Adult Programs

Ladies night out

Ladies Night Out
1st Wednesday of every month at 6:30 PM.
For information and tickets (typically $2) use the contact form.

4 Men posing with a poster

Men’s Fellowship

2nd & 4th Saturday morning of each month – breakfast for men of all ages with food, fun and friendship, with the occasional special guest.

Other activities “when the spirit moves us”. Check back for upcoming events.

Old Man and an Old lady sitting with funny hats on

JOY (Just Older Youth – 45ish+)
3rd Wednesday of each month 12:00 noon to 1:30 PM
Older adults enjoy a weekly program of fun and friendship, worship, education and service.


For ages 18ish to 30ish

This new group gets together once a month for food, fun and a little learning about God, the Bible and life.

Contact us for details on when and where.